South Texas Youth At Risk

Our mission is to bring love, faith, hope, truth and life to the most hurting people in our society; youth who have been abused.

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Clint and Rhoda Pickens - Missionaries to Youth at Risk

Our Vision


To reach those hurting the most in our society, the abused and at risk youth, with the hope that comes from the gospel, and the Word of God that can bring healing and help them to start making new memories in the will of God. Their future has more power to define them than their past, so we help them to start looking to the future with the hope that only Jesus can bring if they will commit their lives to Him.

What We Do

Jesus love you more than anybody else ever has, can, or ever will. He wants to make the supreme difference in your life if you will let Him and His Word be the supreme authority in your life.

Pastor Clint Pickens
Encounter logo

Encounter is an outreach to abused youth with worship, testimonies, Bible studies and a gospel message. Then we break up into 3 rotating groups of fun and interaction all pointing to Jesus. We do a coffee bar and a chat where we get to know them, listen, ask questions and guide them in their confused and troubled lives. We do two 2-day outreaches and then one 5-day outreach in summer. This is where we see our highest turn out and where we see the largest number put their faith in Jesus.